The Drug Kingpin Running Venezuela’s Bond Negotiations #Bloomberg
The Drug Kingpin Running Venezuela's Bond Negotiations
Patricia Laya
Andrew Rosat
Tareck El Aissami. Photographer: Carlos Becerra/Bloomberg
Vice President Tareck El Aissami has...
What do you think about the latest development in the Ivanka saga? I mean...
What do you think about the latest development in the Ivanka saga? I mean Us magazine, obviously.
Hadley Freeman
Mitchell, Seattle, Washington
Greetings, Mitchell! It may rain nine months of the year in Seattle, as Niles from...
Daniel Ortega is causing a bloodbath in Nicaragua
Daniel Ortega is causing a bloodbath in Nicaragua
Could Nicaragua go the way of Venezuela?
IT BEGAN three months ago with a protest against cuts in pensions decreed by Daniel Ortega, Nicaragua’s president. Now his Central...
The collapse of the Venezuelan health system
The collapse of the Venezuelan health system
When Hugo Chavez became Venezuela's new president in 1998, he promised to provide free health care to all and enshrined this right within Venezuela's new constitution, rewritten in...
The Eurozone Must Reform or Die
The Eurozone Must Reform or Die
Kenneth Rogoff
OXFORD – With the election of a reform-minded centrist president in France and the re-election of German Chancellor Angela Merkel seeming ever more likely, is there hope...
Can France be more like its football team?
Can France be more like its football team?
Nadia Henni-Moulai
While the French football team symbolises the acceptance of migrants, the country is divided over the issue of refugees. Will a victory in the...
The secret memo to Raúl Castro
The secret memo to Raúl Castro
“We have managed to control the nation with the largest oil reserves on the planet without firing a single shot and without openly involving our armed forces. And we...
The Last Battle for Democracy in Venezuela
The Last Battle for Democracy in Venezuela
Wall Street Journal
David Luhnow and
José de Córdoba
Under Nicolás Maduro, a country that had been one of Latin America’s wealthiest is having its democratic institutions shredded amid rising poverty...
Can Saudi Arabia pump much more oil?
Can Saudi Arabia pump much more oil?
LONDON(Reuters) - The leader of Saudi Arabia has assured U.S. President Donald Trump that the Kingdom can raise oil production if needed and the country has 2 million...
The End of Mexican Democracy?
The End of Mexican Democracy?
By Enrique Krauze
Mexico City — On July 1, we Mexicans will choose our president for the next six years. It will be no ordinary election. During a period when democracy...