New Paths for Leadership in International Development

New Paths for Leadership in International Development Por Mark Suzman SEATTLE – Official development assistance (ODA) helps to save lives, build more stable and safer societies, and project soft power around the world. That is a point...

Toward a Global Treaty on Plastic Waste

Toward a Global Treaty on Plastic Waste Lili Fuhr Twitter: @lilifuhr  and Nils Simon Twitter: @nsim_berlin BERLIN – If there are any geologists in millions of years, they will easily be able to pinpoint the start of the so-called Anthropocene...

Restoring Competition in the Digital Economy

Restoring Competition in the Digital Economy Por Dalia Marin MUNICH – The digital economy is carving out new divides between capital and labor, by allowing one firm, or a small number of firms, to capture an...

The Last Battle for Democracy in Venezuela

The Last Battle for Democracy in Venezuela Wall Street Journal By David Luhnow and José de Córdoba Under Nicolás Maduro, a country that had been one of Latin America’s wealthiest is having its democratic institutions shredded amid rising poverty...

Winnie Mandela was a hero. If she’d been white, there would be no debate

Winnie Mandela was a hero. If she’d been white, there would be no debate Afua Hirsch   Peaceful protest did not end apartheid: it took revolutionaries. And it shouldn’t be difficult to choose between a system...

The End of Mexican Democracy?

The End of Mexican Democracy? By Enrique Krauze   Mexico City — On July 1, we Mexicans will choose our president for the next six years. It will be no ordinary election. During a period when democracy...

From Lima to Havana – a decisive moment for Latin America

From Lima to Havana – a decisive moment for Latin America Remi Piet The recent Summit of the Americas and the transition of power in Cuba are just two events among a number of political shifts...

A Fresh Look at the Afghan War

A Fresh Look at the Afghan War Por Graciana del Castillo NEW YORK – With the Syria crisis dominating headlines, few are paying attention to America’s longest war. In fact, the war in Afghanistan has hardly...

Can Saudi Arabia pump much more oil?

Can Saudi Arabia pump much more oil?   LONDON(Reuters) - The leader of Saudi Arabia has assured U.S. President Donald Trump that the Kingdom can raise oil production if needed and the country has 2 million...

The collapse of the Venezuelan health system

The collapse of the Venezuelan health system   When Hugo Chavez became Venezuela's new president in 1998, he promised to provide free health care to all and enshrined this right within Venezuela's new constitution, rewritten in...


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