
Will Bangkok’s street food ban hold?

Will Bangkok's street food ban hold? Nic Dunlop   The Thai capital is famous for its street food – but now the authorities are seeking to strictly curtail it. Nic Dunlop wonders why. Bangkok, one of the world’s...

Tech leaders warn against “Pandora’s box” of robotic weapons

Tech leaders warn against "Pandora's box" of robotic weapons   "Lethal autonomous weapons threaten to become the third revolution in warfare," warns a letter signed by 116 tech luminaries, including Tesla's Elon Musk and Mustafa Suleyman,...

The Guardian view on vaginal mesh implants: trust data and patients

The Guardian view on vaginal mesh implants: trust data and patients   Editorial The devices have benefited a large number of women – but thousands have suffered serious adverse effects. The numbers tell their own tale. Thousands...

Princess Diana’s brother says he was lied to over princes following coffin

Princess Diana's brother says he was lied to over princes following coffin Earl Spencer claims royal officials told him William and Harry wanted to join funeral cortege but later found this was untrue. The brother of...

Children of Isis fighters face threat of Mosul revenge attacks

Children of Isis fighters face threat of Mosul revenge attacks Martin Chulov and Salem Rizk in Mosul Many who lost their parents in the battle for the Iraqi city have been traumatised by war, but...

How much does a cyber-attack cost?

How much does a cyber-attack cost? By Kim Darrah   As cybersecurity continues to dominate political agendas around the world, a report published by Lloyds of London estimates a severe cyber-attack could cost the global economy more...

CARICOM countries decide to ignore the Venezuelan tragedy

CARICOM countries decide to ignore the Venezuelan tragedy By Gustavo Coronel The 15 member countries of CARICOM, the Caribbean Community have officially decided to look the other way regarding the Venezuelan tragedy. While over one hundred...

Stephen Hawking leaves audience in tears at 75th birthday celebration

Stephen Hawking leaves audience in tears at 75th birthday celebration   Brian Cox and Gabriela González both spoke movingly at the birthday symposium at the University of Cambridge By Tommy Lumby Stephen Hawking moved an audience to tears today...

Washington Post: The region cannot just stand by as Venezuela veers toward civil war

Read in Spanish Washington Post The region cannot just stand by as Venezuela veers toward civil war VENEZUELA’S POLITICAL and humanitarian crisis, which has long been desperate and deadly, this week tipped toward the surreal. On Tuesday,...

The Last Battle for Democracy in Venezuela

The Last Battle for Democracy in Venezuela Wall Street Journal By David Luhnow and José de Córdoba Under Nicolás Maduro, a country that had been one of Latin America’s wealthiest is having its democratic institutions shredded amid rising poverty...


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