The Greeks Agamemnon to Alexander the Great: A stunning exhibition celebrating 5,000 years of...

The Greeks Agamemnon to Alexander the Great: A stunning exhibition celebrating 5,000 years of Greek culture. About the Exhibition This summer, National Geographic will bring an extraordinary cultural experience to Washington, D.C. THE GREEKS: Agamemnon to Alexander...

Greeks demand answers as government struggles to mop up oil spill

Greeks demand answers as government struggles to mop up oil spill   Critics have accused the government of not acting quickly enough to prevent the spill from spreading from Salamina island across to the coastline. Greek authorities...

Why do Greeks fear Tuesday the 13th so much?

Why do Greeks fear Tuesday the 13th so much?   Rooted in history and superstition While many Western countries have marked down Friday the 13th on the calendar as the most ominous day of the year, the...

Greek debt crisis: ‘People can’t see any light at the end of any tunnel’

Greek debt crisis: ‘People can’t see any light at the end of any tunnel’ Helena Smith in Athens   The Greek government says the country has turned a corner, but that is not the experience of...

Macedonia’s parliament ratifies name deal with Greece for second time

Macedonia's parliament ratifies name deal with Greece for second time   In June Greece and Macedonia signed a deal on a new name: "Republic of North Macedonia."But President Gjorge Ivanov refused to sign the agreement, saying...

The most unfortunate and unappreciated generation, this generation!

Read in Spanish Read in Greek The most unfortunate and unappreciated generation, this generation! Alexandra Xenofondos Twitter: @alexandra_92  It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the youth of our days is the most unfortunate and unappreciated generation of...

Greek anarchists try to storm police ministry over jailed assassin

Greek anarchists try to storm police ministry over jailed assassin   ATHENS (Reuters) - Around 20 Greek anarchists tried to storm the civil protection ministry on Monday in solidarity with a hunger-striking member of a guerrilla...

Memorial services in Cyprus to mark 44th anniversary of Turkish invasion

Memorial services in Cyprus to mark 44th anniversary of Turkish invasion   The Turkish-Cypriots along with the occupying forces, on the other hand, will be…celebrating Cyprus will mark on Friday the 44th anniversary of the 1974 Turkish...


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