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7 snacks to eat before a workout that’ll fill you up without upsetting your stomach


7 snacks to eat before a workout that’ll fill you up without upsetting your stomach


It can be hard to maintain a balance of a healthy diet and working out, it requires a lot of discipline, dedication, and planning. Often after eating before a workout session, we struggle with an upset stomach as the foods can be heavy, making us all too aware that it is in a hurry to climb back up our throats. Everyone is different, and some of us like to eat a small snack before a session at the gym, but others like a full meal.

Here are seven pre-workout meal ideas that don’t require too much preparation and you can eat on the go, ideal for a busy life.

Yoghurt and Granola

This recipe is simple yet effective. Yoghurt, meet granola. Providing the perfect balance of carbohydrates and protein, this snack will keep you going through your workout without leaving you feeling hungry. If you want to add a little flavor, try adding a dollop of honey, or some strawberry slices.

Peanut butter on toast

Okay, so it’s not quite a PB&J sandwich, but it’s close. Use some healthy bread (whole grain, or multigrain for example), and add some peanut butter. It couldn’t be any easier, or delicious. The bread will be digested slower, allowing for a gradual release of energy during your workout. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can add some chocolate chips or banana slices for some texture and flavor.

Pita and Hummus

This is a winning combination, it tastes amazing and is basically comfort food, but wonderfully, it won’t have you feeling like you’re about to burst. Simply mushing up chickpeas gives you this wonder paste that goes great with pita chips, you need this pre-workout snack in your life.

Oatmeal and fresh fruit

This snack is ideal if you’re running low and need a boost, or if you have a particularly long cardio workout to endure or enjoy – depending on how you feel about cardio. Oatmeal will fill you up and give you the energy from the protein that your body requires during long sessions.

Sometimes oatmeal is a bit gloopy and can be hard to eat on its own, coupling it with some fresh fruit will put some life into the dish.

Granola bars

If you head to the aisle in the grocery store where the granola is you will find a lot of varieties, which is ideal if you like to have options. These are a great snack to have if you don’t have much time, as you can pop into the store and pick one up on your way to the gym.

Almond butter with apple slices

Peanut butter has been around forever, we all know it and most of us love it. If you’re feeling like you’d like a change then why not try almond butter?

Slice up an apple and spread some of this on for a sweet and savory combination your taste buds will be thanking you for. It provides the perfect boost to get you through a short gym session.

Dried fruit and nuts

Trail mixes have been keeping us going for decades, they are easy to put together and give us the perfect energy boost when we’re feeling low. Simply mix your favorite nuts and dried fruits together and much away.

There we have it, a short list of foods that will make sure you get through your next workout without the instant regret a colossal pre-meal usually offers. The snacks can be tailored to your taste, so there’s no excuse not to give them a go, you never know, they could change the way you exercise forever.



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