Home Science & Technology How Solar Thermal Panels Help Schools Save Money

How Solar Thermal Panels Help Schools Save Money

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How Solar Thermal Panels Help Schools Save Money

by Dale Harris


Renewable sources of energy are essential for ensuring a sustainable future. But that’s just one of many upsides to installing solar thermal panels.

The savings to be had by switching to solar are immense and large institutions stand to save the most. Here are a few ways solar thermal panels can help schools and colleges save money.

School Layouts Mean a More Cost-Effective Installation

Unsuitable roofs are one of the biggest arguments against solar panels. Angled installations don’t get consistent sun and residential areas are more shaded. This means a solar system installation is less cost-effective than it could be.

Schools don’t have this problem. The typical layout of a school is perfect for solar installation. School buildings often have flat roofs and plenty of unshaded space. This means greater solar panel output and greater savings for the school.

Reduced Operating Costs

The cost of energy consumption is calculated by determining the cost per unit of energy. These units are called megawatt-hours or kilowatt-hours. For context, the rate of energy consumption is measured in kilowatts or megawatts.

As of 2016, solar is the cheapest energy resource in the world. In other words, it’s the energy resource with the lowest cost per kilowatt-hour.

What’s more, large-scale installations save the most money. In 2016 Dubai set the world record for the lowest-cost solar energy. Their massive solar array bid at under 3 cents per kilowatt-hour.

Schools and colleges often have sprawling campuses. This means they stand to benefit more than most from going solar.

Solar Energy Is Consistent

Energy costs are notoriously inconsistent.

Grid energy prices are trending upwards at a gradual but steady rate. And with natural gas prices only likely to increase, this trend is here to stay.

Electricity prices also fluctuate depending on the time of month, season, or year.

Solar energy is consistent – the only cost being the installation and upkeep of the system. Installing solar thermal panels helps insulate schools against energy rate fluctuations and increases. The more consistent the school’s energy costs, the easier it is for the school to plan and budget for the future.

Going Solar Will Improve the School’s Brand and Drive Enrollment

Young people are the most environmentally conscious in the world. Studies have found that youth aren’t shy about demanding a sustainable future and believe that investment in renewable energy is critical to achieving it.

Committing your school to sustainable practices improves its image. This, in turn, makes it more attractive to socially-conscious students.

Additionally, people associate schools and colleges with innovation and forward-thinking. Using the newest and most efficient form of energy will flag your school as a progressive establishment.

Solar Thermal Panels Are a No-Brainer

Switching to solar isn’t just great for the environment. Installing solar thermal panels will save your school money and improve your brand. And with schools like Yale and Princeton running solar on-site, you’d be in good company.

With schools and colleges working towards cleaner air for all, you can too. Here are 7 indoor plants that improve your homes air quality.


Source: articlecity.com



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