
Here are 5 Simple Ways You Can Get Better Sleep

Here are 5 Simple Ways You Can Get Better Sleep   Sleep. For something we spend a lot of our time doing, isn’t it strange that we don’t seem to be very good at it? Most of us...

5 Ways to Know You Need Drug Rehab

5 Ways to Know You Need Drug Rehab   Have drugs or alcohol taken over your life? Your immediate answer may be “no, of course not.” You could quit anytime you want. While you may say that...

Controlling Intestinal Gas Naturally

Controlling Intestinal Gas Naturally By: Dr. Rita Louise Intestinal gas, flatulence, farting or breaking wind is a natural part of the digestive process. This odorless gas, although at times embarrassing, is the result of good digestion....

Why Detox?

Why Detox? By: Graeme Stuart-Bradshaw     Why Detoxify? Every day we are exposed to external toxins from our environment and internal toxins produced as the byproduct of our digestive and metabolic processes. Toxic and unwanted inorgranic chemicals are...

A Constipation Home Remedy – Cayenne

A Constipation Home Remedy - Cayenne By: Rudy Silva Leer en Español Διαβάσετε στα Ελληνικά Cayenne is a constipation home remedy that is effective in producing peristalsis in your colon and aids digestion. It can be used regularly...

The Roots Of Alternative Medicine

By: Lee Dobbins Alternative medicine and modern medicine may have differences and who's to say which is best? Today, we expect doctors and medicines to fix whatever ails us instantly and doctors only look at...

Insomnia solution

By: Philip Jubb An insomnia cure. Hmm... Before we go for a cure it may be a good idea to try and know our enemy. What are our signs and symptons. What type of Insomnia...

Find a Weight Loss Program That Works For You

Find a Weight Loss Program That Works For You By: Philip Nicosia Millions of people struggle with weight issues every year-and despite claims that a wonder diet can "work for everybody", the fact is that each...

The Many Benefits of Vitamin D

The Many Benefits of Vitamin D Por Melvin Sanicas SINGAPORE – Vitamin D helps our bodies regulate levels of calcium and phosphate – nutrients that keep bones, teeth, and muscles healthy. Often, sunlight on our skin can...


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